How Will You Get Rid of Trash Can Odor, Bacteria, and Germs?

It is obvious that a trash can is not going to smell like a rose, as it collects the waste for the entire day. Trash can odor degrades the indoor air quality, and it can be humiliating and irritating, as it can drift from room to room. Foul-smelling garbage is not just annoying, but it… Continue reading How Will You Get Rid of Trash Can Odor, Bacteria, and Germs?

Peltia – An Automatic Trash Can with Built-In Compressor

Whether it’s inside the house, office, stores, malls, hospitals, or anywhere else, properly disposing of the waste is always an issue for every one of us. Improper or traditional methods of disposing of these organic and inorganic wastes are proving to be inefficient, as, after sometime, foul smell and germs spoil the overall indoor environment… Continue reading Peltia – An Automatic Trash Can with Built-In Compressor